Monday, January 14, 2008

when life Sucks

any way as most of you know it has been one hell of a year for Jenny and i, from finding out mom has cancer,to joshua getting MRSA,to losing mom, and then losing dad, but what has been imprinted on my mind so much is that none this started inti ll we decided to move to SC to be part of a church plant. most logic,and new agers would say bad carma,or that maybe we should have stayed and those thing wouldn't happened. that is B.S it was a likely product of us being faithful to Gods call on our life. am i blaming God no! i am just stating the facts. part of the reason for leaving was that jenny and i had put a lot of time, prayer and thought into this process. whispered into my heart mths previous to all this was a passage of scripture that states if a man loves his mother & father house or land more than me
(me being Jesus) than he is not worth of me. SO WE WENT :)since then God has humble more than i could imagine. part of being a follower of Christ is knowing that often persecution and heartache as well strife will be cont..more to follow at later date


Rita said...

It HAS been a hell of a year for you guys. Not that trite words can fix problems, but we haven't been able to see you guys a lot lately, so I hope it helps to know that we really miss seeing you guys and look forward to when life calms down and we get to hang out again. We pray for you. Please let us know if there's anything at all that we can do. (Need more paint? Ha!)

Ginger said...

Amen, brother. God will continue to battle satan when you have no fight left in you. If it was His call in the first place, then he will shelter you all while you are doing His work. My prayers are with the three (almost 4!) of you daily. Love ya!

Anonymous said...

i miss you guys

A Reformed Baptist said...

Keep on the faith bro... Romans 8:18 For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us.

Anonymous said...

Good to hang out with you at lunch yesterday. Hope we can do it more often. I think it is good that you are pooring these emotions out. Keep pressing on and know that you are not alone.

Anonymous said...

Chris, I'm the worst when tragic comes in speaking of it. I know that I have seen you a couple of times since your loss and have said nothing. I know that's crazy but I don't say anything cause for some reason I think my words are going to remind you or make you it's not on the front of your mind anyways. I really was moved by Will's comments about you in church the other night, it just confirms what I have seen..yep your fruit is showing.... Jenny and you are special people and I hope that 2008 will be a much better year.