Monday, January 21, 2008

God's provides for our family

For weeks now I have been wrestling with frustrating thoughts that have clouded my view regarding my work situation and today God showed me that despite my sinful expectation of His provision for my life, He was in control all along. Ultimately I always know this but sometimes my actions speak louder than my words.
About a month ago my boss discussed the end of the road for me at Humana (which I was expecting and was OK with); however, it took a toll on my emotions when I realized that my last day would end up falling the day before the baby was born AND that because of my part-time work status I would NOT be eligible for maternity leave and I would lose 90 hours of accrued sick time. In my frustration and desperate eagerness to make something happen to provide for my family during the month of February I have been frantically searching for another position at Humana or otherwise and I was only successful at stressing over how we were going to pay our bills. Now, long story short I will be paid for maternity leave and have my position with Humana through Friday, March 14th. And if that weren't good news enough, I have even been given an additional 6 hours each week. So not only has God provided for us He has gone above and beyond. I am so humbled by His blessing amazed that He would take care of us in so many ways.


Rita said...

That's great news, Jenny!! I'm so glad for you!

That buys me a little time to keep hint-dropping around my office!

Also, more good news: You're linked now! (from my blog) :-D

Ginger said...

That's awesome Jenny! How amazing it is when God provides!

Anonymous said...

Guys that is great! I am so proud of you guys and challenged by your faithfulness. I consider you some of my best friends and we are grateful to serve alongside of you three (four as of today, Come baby come!)

Anonymous said...

I am SO glad to hear how God provided with your job extension!!! That is definitely something I have been praying about.