Thursday, January 31, 2008

Daddy's girl

i never thought that i would be pinky wrapped by a 8.8lb baby but i must say that she has me hooked already enjoy the pics

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

emma marie mattingly

pics so precious, daddys girl

Saturday, January 26, 2008

False Alarm

Yesterday I woke up around 4:00 a.m.ddsa with strong contraction after contraction (I've been having them since Tuesday). Anyway, I packed my bags (yes at the last minute), I called Chris to come on home and I thought we would have had a baby but after going to the Dr. she basically said "suck it up girlfriend, this could go on for weeks--you aren't even crying" so she sent us on our way and I had contractions for the entire day yesterday but none of them made me cry or made my water break so basically we are still a family of 3 as of this morning (well physically anyway). We'll keep you updated.

p.s. If it weren't for the Browning's I don't know where we would be. I called Tarah yesterday morning to tell her that I was having contractions, she heard Joshua screaming in the background and came right over with Jed in his pj's and picked up my screaming little boy. Then she and Will kept him all day so Chris and I could have a nice day together. They are the most selfless people we know and we are so grateful for them.

Monday, January 21, 2008

God's provides for our family

For weeks now I have been wrestling with frustrating thoughts that have clouded my view regarding my work situation and today God showed me that despite my sinful expectation of His provision for my life, He was in control all along. Ultimately I always know this but sometimes my actions speak louder than my words.
About a month ago my boss discussed the end of the road for me at Humana (which I was expecting and was OK with); however, it took a toll on my emotions when I realized that my last day would end up falling the day before the baby was born AND that because of my part-time work status I would NOT be eligible for maternity leave and I would lose 90 hours of accrued sick time. In my frustration and desperate eagerness to make something happen to provide for my family during the month of February I have been frantically searching for another position at Humana or otherwise and I was only successful at stressing over how we were going to pay our bills. Now, long story short I will be paid for maternity leave and have my position with Humana through Friday, March 14th. And if that weren't good news enough, I have even been given an additional 6 hours each week. So not only has God provided for us He has gone above and beyond. I am so humbled by His blessing amazed that He would take care of us in so many ways.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

part 2

though it has seemed liked a hard year it has only served to remind me once again that we are but a breath of air created from the dust of the earth. life is only what we choose to make of it. we can crap it away on useless things or we can use every second of breath that we have to praise God for that very second of breath. In the book of Job after Job faced his difficult circumstances. he sought the Lord and when God did finally speak to Job all he said was this "who are you to question my ways" Job's perspective was to expect good and bad from God, and i am sure mine should be that of the same. as much i have wanted to be angry or mad at God for all these things i simply am not able because i have experienced the fullness of his love. and everyday he reminds me that no matter where i go, what bad choice i have made, that Christ's death on the cross was enough, and that he has suffered with me as well.

even still i have been in the midst of wrestling with all the why's & hows? and i find myself in a storm of emotions, yet my heart is still calm and relaxed waiting for my savior wondering what is next............

to be cont'd

Monday, January 14, 2008

when life Sucks

any way as most of you know it has been one hell of a year for Jenny and i, from finding out mom has cancer,to joshua getting MRSA,to losing mom, and then losing dad, but what has been imprinted on my mind so much is that none this started inti ll we decided to move to SC to be part of a church plant. most logic,and new agers would say bad carma,or that maybe we should have stayed and those thing wouldn't happened. that is B.S it was a likely product of us being faithful to Gods call on our life. am i blaming God no! i am just stating the facts. part of the reason for leaving was that jenny and i had put a lot of time, prayer and thought into this process. whispered into my heart mths previous to all this was a passage of scripture that states if a man loves his mother & father house or land more than me
(me being Jesus) than he is not worth of me. SO WE WENT :)since then God has humble more than i could imagine. part of being a follower of Christ is knowing that often persecution and heartache as well strife will be cont..more to follow at later date

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

"Hut" eye mommy

Well Joshua has been, shall we say, clumsy to say the least these days. Right before leaving from KY back to SC he tripped up the stairs banged his chin on his cars and bit his tongue on both sides. After nursing it with some fun blue ice from Nanny's house all was well. The very next night, however, back in SC he was running through the kitchen, wiped out and hit his eye on a plastic storage container. No big deal you say? Well let's just say that with everything else that has gone on and my hormonal, emotional roller coaster when I got Joshua up the next morning and he tried to look up at me with his one swollen eye and said "hut" eye mommy, I couldn't keep the river from flowing. I took a picture to prove the need for sympathy and of course just a couple days later his eye has perfectly healed and all is well.

Christmas at Nanny's and the Mattingly's

Christmas was marked with many ups and downs and bittersweet memories this year. Due to pregnancy Chris and I were not going to be able to go to KY to celebrate Christmas with family so we had planned a couple of new "traditions" and had dreamed up a couple of ways to incorporate Christ's birth in our holiday. Unfortunately, on December 18th we received a call that Chris's dad had died and our plans went out the window. We drove to KY anyway and got to spend Christmas with family afterall but with the looming reality that both of Chris's parents have died in the same year just a few months from one another. So to say the least Christmas was filled with a number of ups and downs this year and it was difficult to focus on the reason that we celebrate Christmas in the first place. I feel guilty for not doing more to focus Christmas for Joshua's sake but hopefully we will be able to do more of that next year.

Anyway, here are a few photos