Wednesday, January 16, 2008

part 2

though it has seemed liked a hard year it has only served to remind me once again that we are but a breath of air created from the dust of the earth. life is only what we choose to make of it. we can crap it away on useless things or we can use every second of breath that we have to praise God for that very second of breath. In the book of Job after Job faced his difficult circumstances. he sought the Lord and when God did finally speak to Job all he said was this "who are you to question my ways" Job's perspective was to expect good and bad from God, and i am sure mine should be that of the same. as much i have wanted to be angry or mad at God for all these things i simply am not able because i have experienced the fullness of his love. and everyday he reminds me that no matter where i go, what bad choice i have made, that Christ's death on the cross was enough, and that he has suffered with me as well.

even still i have been in the midst of wrestling with all the why's & hows? and i find myself in a storm of emotions, yet my heart is still calm and relaxed waiting for my savior wondering what is next............

to be cont'd


Will said...

I am proud of you guys. It takes a lot of guts to go down the road you are pursuing. God know you guys aren't cowards! What a great testimony.

A Reformed Baptist said...

Those are encouraging words, Chris. Thanks, I really needed to hear your message today. Thanks for sharpening me.