Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Our "little" big boy....

Mostly we've gotten settled into our new house in SC and with the transition we decided to transition Joshua to his "big boy" bed which happens to be in the shape of a fire truck. Chris and I have been talking about and planning the big day for weeks now in anticipation of baby sister Mattingly who will need the crib soon. We put Joshua in his pack 'n' play (because that's what he's been sleeping in for the past 5 months) for a couple of days right next to the fire truck bed and talked to Joshua about it. And on Sunday when Chris put Joshua down for bed, without discussing it with me first (ha ha), Chris came out of Joshua's room and said "guess what? Joshua's sleeping in his fire truck bed" I didn't know which emotion to cling to first; a) the thought that Chris decided to do this without us planning the date firmly on the calendar b) that Joshua was actually staying in the bed or c) that my little boy was growing up. So I did the most rational thing a pregnant mom would do--I cried. We went in his room over and over again just sure that he'd sneak off into the closet to play toys or run around his room, but much to our surprise he slept like a little angel all night and that was it. Naps have been a little different since he can see his toys during the day, but all in all he's done really well!

p.s. Thanks aunt Amy for the fire truck pajamas to go with my fire truck - Joshua

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