Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Sorry it's been so long....

I haven't been a very good picture-taking mother lately so no blog for you! Here are some random photos that I hope you enjoy. One of Joshua helping mommy clean; another of Joshua "unner" the bed; and Joshua "hidning" in the "piddows". He's been a lot of fun, but fussy the past few days and very clingy to mommy. Actually he walks around with his arms up saying "hode gyew, mommy" about 1000 times a day--sometimes I hold him....sometimes I don't. I don't know what I'll do when baby 2 comes along.

On the church front, we are having our first "real" service on Sunday and by that I mean we are beginning to invite people in the area. Up until now it has been a leader development process. We are all very nervous and excited but hope there aren't 100 kids in the nursery. I'm sure the Lord will work everything out for us. I hope to post again soon. Love Jenny


Anonymous said...

That's awesome....let me know how the service goes. At least you know that whatever happens, God has a plan in it all.

Hannah Fields said...

You will do fine with baby #2. Joshua is so young it wont take him long at all do adjust. When Grace starts to act like that she is usually coming down with something or cutting teeth. He'll get back to his normal joshua self.