Saturday, January 26, 2008

False Alarm

Yesterday I woke up around 4:00 a.m.ddsa with strong contraction after contraction (I've been having them since Tuesday). Anyway, I packed my bags (yes at the last minute), I called Chris to come on home and I thought we would have had a baby but after going to the Dr. she basically said "suck it up girlfriend, this could go on for weeks--you aren't even crying" so she sent us on our way and I had contractions for the entire day yesterday but none of them made me cry or made my water break so basically we are still a family of 3 as of this morning (well physically anyway). We'll keep you updated.

p.s. If it weren't for the Browning's I don't know where we would be. I called Tarah yesterday morning to tell her that I was having contractions, she heard Joshua screaming in the background and came right over with Jed in his pj's and picked up my screaming little boy. Then she and Will kept him all day so Chris and I could have a nice day together. They are the most selfless people we know and we are so grateful for them.


Ginger said...

Aww...that was sweet of Tarah. Good that you all had some time w/o a screaming Can't wait to hear of the arrival. Love ya!

Anonymous said...

Chris and Jenny,

I just spent some time reading through some of your blogs. I'm so thankful God has allowed me know you, to see your faith in the times of not understanding and you keep trusting through the doubts and fear. Chris to see God's strenght lived out through you in the times as you said that just suck, can't help to draw others closer to Christ. To have Christ, then the greatest wife God could have given you in Jenny your children ( hopefully the baby comes today) along with the greatest friends to be around down there. You are a very blessed man brother. I can't wait to see you Jenny and both your kids. I hope the next "alarm" you hear is a new baby in your arms!

Anonymous said...

I would like to say thank you to Will and Tarah thank you very much for thaking care of our baby while Paul and I cant be there with them thanks form the bottom of are hearts. God bless you both Pauy and Penny Mattingly